Downloading Bound-T

What we offer

Since January 2014 Tidorum supplies Bound-T as free of charge, open-source software. Thus, Bound-T will be downloadable in source-code form (with the exception of some optional modules, specific to some cross-compilers, as described here).

These web pages provide both source-code for Bound-T and some precompiled, binary, directly executable versions of Bound-T for some host systems and some target processors.

This set is still under construction. If you don't see what you want here, please ask for it.

Source code

The source code of Bound-T is stored in zip archives under the src folder, separately for each target processor and each version of Bound-T for that target processor. These zip archives are named src-boundt-<target>-<version>.zip. For example, contains the source code of version 4c5 of Bound-T for the AVR target processor.

Bound-T is written in the Ada programming language, as explained here. To build Bound-T from source code, you need an Ada compiler, for example the GNU Ada compiler GNAT that is most easily available from the Alire repository.

Zip archive contents

Each such zip archive contains both the source code for the "generic", target-independent parts of Bound-T, and the source code for the target-specific parts of Bound-T, for the indicated target. Each zip archive moreover contains the source code of some open-source libraries that Bound-T uses. Thus each zip archive contains all the source code needed to build the indicated version of Bound-T.

Because each zip archive contains all the generic parts of Bound-T, there is quite a lot of duplication of source code in different zip archives. However, we do not factor out the source code of the common generic modules, because different versions of Bound-T, for different targets, may use different versions of the generic modules, which are continuously changing as Bound-T is developed. Therefore, if you want to build several version of Bound-T, such as for different targets, you should extract the relevant zip archives into distinct folders and not try to merge the generic source-code parts.

The source code for Bound-T is currently managed with the CVS version-control tool. Thus, each source-code file has its own version number, or revision. Each source-code file also has a log of the changes from revision to revision.

A README file in the top folder of each zip archive explains how to build Bound-T.

Source-code for support programs oc and lp_solve

Bound-T relies on the open-source programs oc and lp_solve for parts of its analysis. All present versions of Bound-T, for all target processors and on all host systems, use the same versions of these support programs. Therefore, the source-code is offered separately as the zip archive


The binaries are placed under the bin folder.

Immediately under bin there is one folder for each host system, for example x86_64-ubuntu_12.04-gnat4.6 for Bound-T binaries generated with version 4.6 of the GNAT compiler for an x86_64 PC, running version 12.04 of the Ubuntu distribution of Linux.

In each host-system folder, there should be a file which is a ZIP archive of the support programs oc and lp_solve and (for Linux systems) their wrapper scripts run_oc and run_lp_solve. These are host-specific but not target-specific. That is, the same version of these support programs is used for each target processor.

Furthermore, each host-system folder should contain some files with names of the form boundt_<target>_<version>.zip. Each such file is a ZIP archive of the Bound-T executable of that version for that target processor. For example, contains version 4c4 of Bound-T for the (8-bit) Atmel AVR target processor.

Help-text files

The built-in help system in Bound-T needs help-text files in a folder named by the BOUNDT_HELP environment variable. The help folder contains help-text files for download. The file is a ZIP archive of all the help-text files for all target processors. The help-text files are not host-specific (at least for Linux hosts; to be confirmed for MS-Windows hosts with their different line-ending convention).

To set up the built-in help system:

What to download

Bound-T consists of one main executable program, different for each target processor, and two to four support programs that are the same for all target processors. There are different versions of all these programs for each host platform — the PC on which Bound-T itself runs. For Unix-style hosts there are four support programs, for Microsoft Windows hosts only two.

To use Bound-T for one target processor you must download and install (a) the support programs, and (b) the main Bound-T program for that target, for the host PC that you will use. If you then want to use Bound-T for another target processor, too, you only have to (c) download and install the main Bound-T program for the new target processor, for your host PC.

To view the call-graph and flow-graph diagrams that Bound-T (optionally) generates you need the dot program that is part of the GraphViz suite. Some PC operating systems come with dot preinstalled.

There are also some auxiliary programs and scripts that may help you use Bound-T but are not always required.

The page download-old is an old one which provides download access to some precompiled but limited versions of Bound-T which were offered as one way to evaluate Bound-T before purchase.

Installation instructions in general

Bound-T does not come with an installer. Instead, after you unpack the ZIP archive, you should move the executable programs to some folder that is on your search PATH, or that you put on your search PATH. You can use an existing folder or create a new one. The number of executable programs is so small (3 to 5, depending on the host) that this is not hard to do manually.

The built-in help system also needs some installation, which is explained above.

If you are not familiar with the concept of the search PATH feel free to ask Tidorum for help. Further advice on installation and use of Bound-T is given separately for each host platform in the old download page.

Note that some operating systems may already provide some of the support programs. For example, Debian Linux provides a version of the lp_solve program. However, Bound-T requires a specific version of lp_solve that has been modified in some minor but important ways to co-operate with Bound-T. When you install the support programs make sure that the Tidorum versions have priority (in the PATH) over any pre-installed versions.

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